With voting for the Scottish Referendum taking place in just 5 days time, and the day of reckoning almost upon us, the promotion of ideas and ideologies is at its most extreme and my marketing instincts are being overloaded.
Propaganda, PR and Passion are at their height.
But never before, on the streets of Britain, have I seen such a display of passionate politics. On both sides of a debate.
Yesterday, as my husband and I sat in the sunshine at a pavement café, drinking tea and eating cake, we heard the rousing tones of Dougie MacLean's Caledonia drifting over the city in which we've lived most of our lives. While it's not my husband's favourite song, it was a moment that - for me - captured the essence of what is happening right around us: a groundswell of national pride.
Little did we know at the time, it was THE Dougie MacLean, busking on the high street, just around the corner from where we were enjoying that terribly British tradition of afternoon tea.
Superstar or street smart, conservative or labour, Scottish nationalist or not, the Yes campaign has united individuals from all facets of the political and social spectrum and that's what has made it so unique.
A glance at the two campaigns, side by side, standing out on our main street yesterday showed one thriving and thronging with people, brandishing balloons, and eagerly interacting with inquisitive voters. The other, a small table with a union jack as a table cloth, surrounded by a small clutch of activists scouring the crowds looking for people to speak to.
Scanning down social media timelines showed similar imagery around the country. Thronging crowds in Glasgow and Edinburgh waving flags and singing anthems and small gatherings of No activists, posing gingerly for their requisite selfies.
I've never seen anything like it. Ever.
If I were to use one word to describe what I have seen happening on the streets, it would be this: Jubilation.
A feeling of great happiness or triumph.
A campaign that, win or lose on Friday morning, has already won.
A campaign that has awoken an electorate.
A campaign that, yes or no, has got people interested in the political agenda of their own country.
A campaign that has galvanised the highest ever voter registration levels the United Kingdom has ever seen.
So, with 97% of the country registered to have their say the outcome, whatever it may be, cannot be in question.
It will be the will of the people.
I have a friend who now lives in Australia who is quietly confident that there is a "silent majority" who will turn out to vote No on Thursday.
I'm intrigued by this perception of what is happening in my country. I am right here, right now, to quote Fat Boy Slim, and either this silent majority are very, very quiet, or they are a figment of the imagination.
There's a point in every marketing campaign that we push past the Innovators and Early Adopters and reach the Early Majority. When we get there, we can comfortably say we have captured 50% of the market for our product.
But beyond that is the Late Majority and the Laggards. The Late Majority will take a market position to somewhere in the region of between 50% and 74%.
I'd argue that, beyond the launch of a new iPhone, I've never seen a marketplace so eagerly embracing something as I have for that of the Yes vote in the last 4 weeks. This movement would put the Yes campaign comfortably into the Late Majority and recent polls are firmly hinting at the Yes campaign being in that position.
In 5 days we'll know if market forces are really at work here, or if there really is a silent majority.
Only Scotland knows.
Nobody's Business (But Your Own....)
Business changes constantly. If you're a small business, it's important to remember differentiation is the key. But it should be differentiation for all the right reasons. Ultimately it's nobody's business, but your own.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Why Most Marketing (and Business) Plans Fail
It's a challenge in our industry not to come across a business owner without a poor experience of working with a marketing consultant. All too often I've heard the woeful story that suggests someone "came in", worked up a plan, and then left the building.

However regrettable (and common) this situation is, it genuinely doesn't surprise me. And, in defence of my fellow marketing professionals, it's not really their fault. (No, it really isn't).
Only a year or so into my working life as a marketing consultant, it struck me that some of the businesses, many of whom had acquired some sort of government grant funding for the pleasure of obtaining a marketing plan, were paying for something that was rarely going to see the light of day.
Why? They simply didn't have the funds to invest in their ongoing marketing.
So here's the truth: the main reason that most marketing (and business) plans fail is that they are never actually implemented.
Sounds obvious? Possibly.
Let's see if this rings a bell: Business decides it wants to grow, asks (usually a government agency) for help, is told they need a plan and said plan can attract funding. Business employs marketing consultant to create a plan, reviews plan, says it's great, sticks it on a shelf. Marketing consultant trots off into the sunset feeling pleased with self. Months go by, business becomes frustrated that the "plan" did not work. What a waste of time, energy and money. Business does not grow.
Sound familiar? I bet it does.
When Volpa started "giving away" its intellectual property of the marketing plan right at the very start of the relationship with the client, it was perceived as unusual. But it was very much because of a genuine desire to make a difference for the businesses that we work for. In essence we give away what other marketing consultants charge thousands for. But we do it because, as a business, we'd rather be working on what actually works for a business, not what might.
Our obsession with planning up front sometimes takes new clients by surprise. And when we steer them back to the plan (entrepreneurs love to go off piste, it's a fact), they wonder why the plan shouldn't just "change". Flex, yes. Change, no. Not if you are going to stay on track to achieving your business objectives. Changing the plan usually means "making it up" and we're not great fans of that as a business strategy.
The old adage "fail to plan, plan to fail" only goes so far. I'd add "Fail to do, doomed to fail".
I've seen grand plans and simple ones. But the ones that really succeed, that really make the difference, are simply the plans that actually get implemented.
In fact successful marketing of a business is not actually rocket science. You can be swung by the immense creativity of some agencies (and let's face it, who doesn't want to be creative), or the grand idea that takes forever to create, but unless you actually do something, it's simply not going to happen.
Although, even if you do have a great plan, and you are actively "doing" marketing, be careful not to get caught up in the detail. It can be tempting (and relentless) to constantly feel you need to come up with new all the time, but sometimes repeating yourself works too. Sometimes people don't always get the message the first time. Or the second. So tell, tell and tell again.
In summary, if you want your marketing efforts to work, keep it simple, keep it do-able, and keep it up.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
When No Means Yes
I try to steer away from politics, but every so often something political will catch my eye and, from a communications perspective, I feel it might be worth wading into the foray.
As many of my regular readers will know, I'm based in Scotland and this year my country faces a significant decision on whether it should, or should not, be an independent nation.
The political debates have been raging for months, and are expected to heat up as we career towards Decision-Day in September 2014.
The communications campaign is critical for both sides of the debate. But here's where, for me at least, it recently got very interesting.
Putting aside my own political thoughts on the matter, the two sides have very clearly defined communication objectives:
The Yes Campaign is painting a portrait of hope, opportunity, possibility and passion. Underpinning these concepts, ideas and strategies is a lot of uncertainty and a lack of guarantee.
The No Campaign is painting a portrait of maintaining the status quo, the fear of the great unknown independence would bring, the loss of certainty, and the security of unity. Underpinning these concepts, ideas, and strategies is knowing that the status quo will (and can continue to) prevail.
However, from what I can see as a professional communicator, the No Campaign has already lost the battle.
Faced with a growing lean towards "Yes", they've taken to amplifying their message and not urgently reviewing it. From afar speeches have been made. Phone a friend, says David Cameron. The pound is ours, says George Osbourne. All the big brand businesses are leaving, say all the big brand businesses.
But even a recent trade union vote on whether or not to back any specific political goal, clearly identified that the "market" has shifted. Turns out no-one supported backing the No campaign, they were either for Yes or somewhere in the middle.
The Yes Campaign, for all its uncertainty, has always been able to maintain strong concepts of hope, opportunity, possibility and passion. It's message is constant, unwavering and, recently, laudable in the face of adversity.
So has the time come for No to re-evaluate their communications? Arguably, that time has come and gone. They've positioned themselves into a corner of selling us "same old, same old" and changing tack now may come off as a cynical ploy. And, let's face it, it really wouldn't be more than just that.
For such an important political decision, and with some of the most clever communications strategists behind the campaign, it's actually distinctly surprising that they didn't see this coming from the outset. In fact, the No Campaign has done more for the Yes Campaign, than the Yes Campaign have done for the Yes Campaign. It's probably one of the biggest unintentional communication backfires in modern political history, but time will ultimately tell on that one.
The Yes Campaign, by contrast, are to be congratulated on what has been an exceptionally well thought out strategy.
They knew from the outset this was going to be as much an emotional vote as a logical one. But instead of treating the Scots like a bunch of imbeciles, unable to make logical decisions, they've made the respectful assumption that we'll suss out what many already know: when you set your mind on something, you can achieve anything.
And so they've set out their stall in an ambitious manner. Scotland can be independent, they say. Look at what we have done. Look at what we can do. Look at what we could be. And, perhaps most importantly, look at what's holding us back.
They know we've got the brains. Heck, Scots have invented some of the most widely used modern gadgets - it ain't for the lack of brains that we're not ruling the world of technology. They know we've got the mettle. They know we just need the opportunity to make it happen.
And slowly, but surely, their campaign has chipped away at the premise of the No Campaign. Because No can't fight back without first admitting that they have, actually, held us back. That they have treated us differently. That they intend to continue treating us differently.
So what does No have to do if they are going to pull this back? Well, for a start, they'd better hurry. A good many people have watched the childish squabbling, quietly taken notes and have now firmly made up their mind to vote Yes. And that's what they are, arrogantly, not quite grasping. The market has changed. So the strategy needs to move with it.
They are no longer communicating on the basis of why people should not leave, they have to start communicating on the basis of why people should stay. Strong, visionary reasons. Sell us a future we want, not a status quo we don't. And as for all this negativity? Bin it. At worst it's demeaning, at best it's boring.
And I say this as someone who stood firmly at the ouset of the campaign as a No vote. Over time, as I considered the possibilities, I moved to maybe. Maybe Yes, Maybe No. Now? Well, I'm comfortable with my decision to vote Yes.
As a small business owner in Scotland, and an employer, I've had to take my fair share of risks over the years. But one thing is absolutely certain: without hope, you have nothing. And without opportunity, you will get nowhere. And without possibility, there is no progress. And without passion, there's no impact. Everything else? Well, I reckon we can tackle that as we go along, don't you?
As many of my regular readers will know, I'm based in Scotland and this year my country faces a significant decision on whether it should, or should not, be an independent nation.
The political debates have been raging for months, and are expected to heat up as we career towards Decision-Day in September 2014.
The communications campaign is critical for both sides of the debate. But here's where, for me at least, it recently got very interesting.
Putting aside my own political thoughts on the matter, the two sides have very clearly defined communication objectives:
The Yes Campaign is painting a portrait of hope, opportunity, possibility and passion. Underpinning these concepts, ideas and strategies is a lot of uncertainty and a lack of guarantee.
The No Campaign is painting a portrait of maintaining the status quo, the fear of the great unknown independence would bring, the loss of certainty, and the security of unity. Underpinning these concepts, ideas, and strategies is knowing that the status quo will (and can continue to) prevail.
However, from what I can see as a professional communicator, the No Campaign has already lost the battle.
Faced with a growing lean towards "Yes", they've taken to amplifying their message and not urgently reviewing it. From afar speeches have been made. Phone a friend, says David Cameron. The pound is ours, says George Osbourne. All the big brand businesses are leaving, say all the big brand businesses.
But even a recent trade union vote on whether or not to back any specific political goal, clearly identified that the "market" has shifted. Turns out no-one supported backing the No campaign, they were either for Yes or somewhere in the middle.
The Yes Campaign, for all its uncertainty, has always been able to maintain strong concepts of hope, opportunity, possibility and passion. It's message is constant, unwavering and, recently, laudable in the face of adversity.
So has the time come for No to re-evaluate their communications? Arguably, that time has come and gone. They've positioned themselves into a corner of selling us "same old, same old" and changing tack now may come off as a cynical ploy. And, let's face it, it really wouldn't be more than just that.
For such an important political decision, and with some of the most clever communications strategists behind the campaign, it's actually distinctly surprising that they didn't see this coming from the outset. In fact, the No Campaign has done more for the Yes Campaign, than the Yes Campaign have done for the Yes Campaign. It's probably one of the biggest unintentional communication backfires in modern political history, but time will ultimately tell on that one.
The Yes Campaign, by contrast, are to be congratulated on what has been an exceptionally well thought out strategy.
They knew from the outset this was going to be as much an emotional vote as a logical one. But instead of treating the Scots like a bunch of imbeciles, unable to make logical decisions, they've made the respectful assumption that we'll suss out what many already know: when you set your mind on something, you can achieve anything.
And so they've set out their stall in an ambitious manner. Scotland can be independent, they say. Look at what we have done. Look at what we can do. Look at what we could be. And, perhaps most importantly, look at what's holding us back.
They know we've got the brains. Heck, Scots have invented some of the most widely used modern gadgets - it ain't for the lack of brains that we're not ruling the world of technology. They know we've got the mettle. They know we just need the opportunity to make it happen.
And slowly, but surely, their campaign has chipped away at the premise of the No Campaign. Because No can't fight back without first admitting that they have, actually, held us back. That they have treated us differently. That they intend to continue treating us differently.
So what does No have to do if they are going to pull this back? Well, for a start, they'd better hurry. A good many people have watched the childish squabbling, quietly taken notes and have now firmly made up their mind to vote Yes. And that's what they are, arrogantly, not quite grasping. The market has changed. So the strategy needs to move with it.
They are no longer communicating on the basis of why people should not leave, they have to start communicating on the basis of why people should stay. Strong, visionary reasons. Sell us a future we want, not a status quo we don't. And as for all this negativity? Bin it. At worst it's demeaning, at best it's boring.
And I say this as someone who stood firmly at the ouset of the campaign as a No vote. Over time, as I considered the possibilities, I moved to maybe. Maybe Yes, Maybe No. Now? Well, I'm comfortable with my decision to vote Yes.
As a small business owner in Scotland, and an employer, I've had to take my fair share of risks over the years. But one thing is absolutely certain: without hope, you have nothing. And without opportunity, you will get nowhere. And without possibility, there is no progress. And without passion, there's no impact. Everything else? Well, I reckon we can tackle that as we go along, don't you?
Thursday, 14 November 2013
The Importance of Being (Not too) Earnest
This may come as a bit of a surprise but I only check my personal emails once a week.
Yes, in this crazy, joined up, interconnected world we live in, it is actually still possible to resist the urge to ignore incoming communications - for a considerable period of time. I also only open my snail mail post once or twice a week too (although there's much, much less of that).
This gives me a fairly interesting perspective on the marketing tactics of some companies. In one batch of weekly emails I can have as many as five promotional emails from a some organisations, with varying deals and offers, each one better than the last. I don't open them all. In fact the more there are, the less I open.
In the snail mail pile, it's the same. One persistent offender is a leading online butcher and it would not be unusual for me to have 2 separate pieces of direct mail plus several emails from this organisation over the course of an average week.
There's only so many times a girl can buy steak.....
Now I'm the first to appreciate that frequency of contact in marketing is an essential ingredient for success, but there is such a thing a too much frequency. Too much contact. Too much invasion into the "top of my mind".
In fact it feels as if some of these companies communicate with me more often than my family. That they believe they should be party to my daily life.
Are they desperate for sales? The quality of their marketing would suggest not. But their communication patterns suggest otherwise.
So far I've held back from cutting them off completely by justifying to myself the convenience of having yummy steak delivered straight to my door, and the possibility that unsubscribing may send them into an even blinder panic of over-marketing to get me back. Like the gym, who now communicate with me more often now that I am no longer a member, than they did when I was.
Interestingly we recently took the less is more approach and recommended to one of our clients that they do a little bit less on social, and a little bit less frequent email marketing and, guess what, their online sales have gone up, conversion rates are growing and attrition is falling. Result!
Perhaps we're just too busy to absorb it all. Of course it's great to develop relationships with your customers, but please try to remember they are customers, not your best mate or your spouse.
There's an importance in not being too earnest....... don't you think?
Yes, in this crazy, joined up, interconnected world we live in, it is actually still possible to resist the urge to ignore incoming communications - for a considerable period of time. I also only open my snail mail post once or twice a week too (although there's much, much less of that).
This gives me a fairly interesting perspective on the marketing tactics of some companies. In one batch of weekly emails I can have as many as five promotional emails from a some organisations, with varying deals and offers, each one better than the last. I don't open them all. In fact the more there are, the less I open.
In the snail mail pile, it's the same. One persistent offender is a leading online butcher and it would not be unusual for me to have 2 separate pieces of direct mail plus several emails from this organisation over the course of an average week.
There's only so many times a girl can buy steak.....
Now I'm the first to appreciate that frequency of contact in marketing is an essential ingredient for success, but there is such a thing a too much frequency. Too much contact. Too much invasion into the "top of my mind".
In fact it feels as if some of these companies communicate with me more often than my family. That they believe they should be party to my daily life.
Are they desperate for sales? The quality of their marketing would suggest not. But their communication patterns suggest otherwise.
So far I've held back from cutting them off completely by justifying to myself the convenience of having yummy steak delivered straight to my door, and the possibility that unsubscribing may send them into an even blinder panic of over-marketing to get me back. Like the gym, who now communicate with me more often now that I am no longer a member, than they did when I was.
Interestingly we recently took the less is more approach and recommended to one of our clients that they do a little bit less on social, and a little bit less frequent email marketing and, guess what, their online sales have gone up, conversion rates are growing and attrition is falling. Result!
Perhaps we're just too busy to absorb it all. Of course it's great to develop relationships with your customers, but please try to remember they are customers, not your best mate or your spouse.
There's an importance in not being too earnest....... don't you think?
Sunday, 3 November 2013
When a Promise Becomes a Threat
We are now several months into Tesco's latest marketing campaign, The Tesco Price Promise.
And the anecdotal results I can see on social media are very interesting.
On the face of it, this should be a successful campaign. What's not to like, at the heart of a recession, about promising your customers that, if you (accidentally) overcharge them, they'll get that overcharge off their very next shop? What's not to enjoy about your loyalty being rewarded and a financial incentive to return?
But there's a downside. If you continually overcharge your customers, and give them a piece of paper to prove that you are doing it. Every week. Then it's only a matter of time before the customer sits up and thinks "Hey, wait a minute here...."
And the flip side? Well, if you are saving money, it's only a matter of time before you get a little peeved that everyone's getting money off vouchers except you.....
This latest price promotion could spell disaster for the market leader. Already CNBC is predicting Tesco's fall from power, and rival supermarket chains are stepping up their marketing messages to compete with the price promise juggernaut head on. Sainsbury's is even challenging Tesco through official channels that their "comparisons" are not even real comparisons, and you have to agree: it's hard to compare the Fair Trade coffee to the ground coffee that was unethically extracted from its suppliers at rock bottom prices....
Social media is further fueling the spread of this disgruntlement, with irritated shoppers posting up pictures of their receipts, demonstrating just how much cheaper it would have been for them to do their grocery shop elsewhere.
This doesn't really affect our household. We switched our weekly grocery shop to the so called "premium" supermarket Marks & Spencer a few years ago. At an average saving of £40 on the weekly shop, the two grand annual saving is worth the stick we get from our friends for pretending to be posh. Quite frankly, I'd rather be "pretend posh" than poor.
A few recent trips to Tesco, to just get a few things, have resulted in numerous money off coupons, and our astonishment that just a couple of carrier bags of "bits and bobs" can come to such a high amount.
I simply pity the poor families who shop there weekly, on limited budgets, and see their hard earned wages going straight to Tesco's bottom line.
So what should Tesco do now?
Well, the sensible option would be to cut its prices.
It might eat into some of the £1.4 billion pre-tax profits it has made in the last six months, but it's likely to lose less customers in the long term.
Since the start of the recession, shopping habits have changed immensely. Discount shopping is no longer stigmatised, coupons are considered valuable commodities but, despite these changes, long term shopping habits remain a constant.
And once a customer has shifted their main supermarket, it is doubly difficult to lure them back.
As a marketer, I can promise them that.
And the anecdotal results I can see on social media are very interesting.
On the face of it, this should be a successful campaign. What's not to like, at the heart of a recession, about promising your customers that, if you (accidentally) overcharge them, they'll get that overcharge off their very next shop? What's not to enjoy about your loyalty being rewarded and a financial incentive to return?
But there's a downside. If you continually overcharge your customers, and give them a piece of paper to prove that you are doing it. Every week. Then it's only a matter of time before the customer sits up and thinks "Hey, wait a minute here...."
And the flip side? Well, if you are saving money, it's only a matter of time before you get a little peeved that everyone's getting money off vouchers except you.....
This latest price promotion could spell disaster for the market leader. Already CNBC is predicting Tesco's fall from power, and rival supermarket chains are stepping up their marketing messages to compete with the price promise juggernaut head on. Sainsbury's is even challenging Tesco through official channels that their "comparisons" are not even real comparisons, and you have to agree: it's hard to compare the Fair Trade coffee to the ground coffee that was unethically extracted from its suppliers at rock bottom prices....
Social media is further fueling the spread of this disgruntlement, with irritated shoppers posting up pictures of their receipts, demonstrating just how much cheaper it would have been for them to do their grocery shop elsewhere.
This doesn't really affect our household. We switched our weekly grocery shop to the so called "premium" supermarket Marks & Spencer a few years ago. At an average saving of £40 on the weekly shop, the two grand annual saving is worth the stick we get from our friends for pretending to be posh. Quite frankly, I'd rather be "pretend posh" than poor.
A few recent trips to Tesco, to just get a few things, have resulted in numerous money off coupons, and our astonishment that just a couple of carrier bags of "bits and bobs" can come to such a high amount.
I simply pity the poor families who shop there weekly, on limited budgets, and see their hard earned wages going straight to Tesco's bottom line.
So what should Tesco do now?
Well, the sensible option would be to cut its prices.
It might eat into some of the £1.4 billion pre-tax profits it has made in the last six months, but it's likely to lose less customers in the long term.
Since the start of the recession, shopping habits have changed immensely. Discount shopping is no longer stigmatised, coupons are considered valuable commodities but, despite these changes, long term shopping habits remain a constant.
And once a customer has shifted their main supermarket, it is doubly difficult to lure them back.
As a marketer, I can promise them that.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Who Owns Your Firm’s Social Relationships and Why Should you Care?
We've never had a guest blogger before, but I felt that this content was so pertinent to so many small businesses who use LinkedIn as part of their marketing efforts that it was well worth passing on. So our thanks go to Alan Matthew at Miller Hendry Solicitors who has given us permission to reproduce his original article in full:
When it comes to social networks, there has
been a tendency for professionals to dismiss the more personal social platform
of Facebook, and dive straight into the more professional platform of LinkedIn.
A recent case, however, that keeping things
purely “professional” has inadvertently blurred the lines for businesses when
it comes to who owns the relationships and contact data cultivated on the
world’s number one social network for business professionals.
LinkedIn may have replaced the old fashioned
address book and database for keeping up with business contacts, but while many
companies encourage employees to use the online social networking site to keep
in touch with customers, few have realised the downside of such relationships
when an employee moves on.
Company-held data, such as a customer
database, clearly belongs to the company and can be easily protected against
misuse, however in the LinkedIn era the boundaries are increasingly unclear,
with many employees making personal contacts in the course of conducting their
professional business.
A recent case in the High Court tackled this
thorny issue, and employers now have a clear route to tackle any misuse of
contacts. “The LinkedIn Injunction”, as it is colloquially being referred to,
has made it clear that employers may be able to act to secure contacts
cultivated on behalf of the company in circumstances where they can show a
legitimate proprietary interest in an employee’s LinkedIn profile.
In those circumstances the company needs to
be able to show that the loss or misuse of an employee’s profile may give rise
to “irreparable harm that cannot be compensated” by any financial payment.
In the case of Whitmar Publications Limited v. Gamage and Others,
publishing company Whitmar was granted a restraining injunction against three
former employees who had set up in competition, alleging they did so whilst
still employed. Whitmar also alleged that contact information had been
collected from members of LinkedIn groups that were maintained by Whitmar.
The Court agreed that the LinkedIn groups
involved constituted legitimate company property as one of the employees
involved was responsible for maintaining these as part of their employment
duties and using Whitmar’s computers, with a clear aim of promoting Whitmar’s
It also accepted that the former employees
had used contact information from the LinkedIn groups to send out promotional
material about their new company.
Granting the injunction to restrain the use
of Whitmar’s confidential information, the ex-employees were also required to
return confidential information and open up their computer systems for forensic
So what action do you need to take? Here’s
our top five tips in how to ensure your social media policies are kept up to
date following this recent judgement:
- Assume that any LinkedIn account opened using an agreed company email address may subsequently belong to the company. LinkedIn accounts opened with a personal email will remain personal. Ensure this is clear to all employees.
- All content on the profile, such as photographs and individual profile descriptions of an employee’s current role, should be cleared by the company prior to publication.
- All job descriptions should clearly state that cultivating connections via LinkedIn is a part of business development for the company.
- Employment contracts and social media policies need to specify that any LinkedIn activity by an employee, being conducted using LinkedIn on the employer’s behalf contribute to a database of proprietary trade information.
- Employers need to be clear that compensation is being given for engaging in these business development activities as they take place during working hours.
And, finally, consider a more holistic
approach to your social media activity. In light of this judgement, perhaps
Twitter and Facebook have clearer personal and professional boundaries than
once thought.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Tales of the Unexpected
I recently lost my Gran.
After a long illness, at the age of 87 she finally succumbed to a rare brain tumor and passed away on the 1st August.
For two weeks now I have been adjusting to the loss. And to the rather strange feeling that, although we'd been expecting her death, it was still all too sudden. That I really wasn't prepared.
My Mum, however, who had been my Gran's carer for almost five years, had taken a different approach. Super organised, and mega-prepared, she handled everything with ease and grace. She knew it was coming. And in a bid to make the unavoidable easier, she'd prepared lists and taken action in advance. She'd even pre-paid the funeral!
Dealing with the unexpected is part of the day to day for any business owner. Change is the one constant you can expect in business. But even though it's expected, it can still have a catastrophic impact.
The key is to plan for what you know will happen so you can better deal with it when the time comes.
Know you're about to lose a client contract at the end of the year which will impact on cashflow and profitability? Then don't just sit there and wait for it to happen - start planning now: how will you get new customers to replace the lost revenues, speak to your bank and arrange an overdraft facility to smooth any short term cash flow difficulties.
Know that demand for a service or product is declining at a rapid rate? Then plan on how you are going to replace it. What's increasing in demand? Can you enhance the product to slow or reverse the decline?
My Gran was rarely fazed by any challenge. In her latter years she coped with complete loss of her sight without giving up her independence. In fact, just 4 weeks before her death she was toddling about her house, quite the thing. When my Grandfather died suddenly 30 years ago, she took over the running of his business: a butcher's shop.
But first she sat down with accountants and advisors and formed a plan of how it could be done.
She didn't even make her famous pancakes without following the recipe (a recipe which I've now fallen heir to - and the secret ingredient, which is NOT written down!).
The message is clear: want to survive life's ups and downs? Then you need a plan. No matter how small. It'll make all the difference.
This blog post is dedicated to my Gran:
Patricia Gavin Rattray, 1926 - 2013 RIP
PS: Nanny, I've got the message :-)
After a long illness, at the age of 87 she finally succumbed to a rare brain tumor and passed away on the 1st August.
For two weeks now I have been adjusting to the loss. And to the rather strange feeling that, although we'd been expecting her death, it was still all too sudden. That I really wasn't prepared.
My Mum, however, who had been my Gran's carer for almost five years, had taken a different approach. Super organised, and mega-prepared, she handled everything with ease and grace. She knew it was coming. And in a bid to make the unavoidable easier, she'd prepared lists and taken action in advance. She'd even pre-paid the funeral!
Dealing with the unexpected is part of the day to day for any business owner. Change is the one constant you can expect in business. But even though it's expected, it can still have a catastrophic impact.
The key is to plan for what you know will happen so you can better deal with it when the time comes.
Know you're about to lose a client contract at the end of the year which will impact on cashflow and profitability? Then don't just sit there and wait for it to happen - start planning now: how will you get new customers to replace the lost revenues, speak to your bank and arrange an overdraft facility to smooth any short term cash flow difficulties.
Know that demand for a service or product is declining at a rapid rate? Then plan on how you are going to replace it. What's increasing in demand? Can you enhance the product to slow or reverse the decline?
My Gran was rarely fazed by any challenge. In her latter years she coped with complete loss of her sight without giving up her independence. In fact, just 4 weeks before her death she was toddling about her house, quite the thing. When my Grandfather died suddenly 30 years ago, she took over the running of his business: a butcher's shop.
But first she sat down with accountants and advisors and formed a plan of how it could be done.
She didn't even make her famous pancakes without following the recipe (a recipe which I've now fallen heir to - and the secret ingredient, which is NOT written down!).
The message is clear: want to survive life's ups and downs? Then you need a plan. No matter how small. It'll make all the difference.
This blog post is dedicated to my Gran:
Patricia Gavin Rattray, 1926 - 2013 RIP
PS: Nanny, I've got the message :-)
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