Thursday, 26 May 2011

PR Tactics or News?

Those of you who know me personally will know I love a good conspiracy theory. And so it has become almost a game for me to discern which of the daily "news" stories are actually news, or are just clever (and sometimes not so clever) PR stunts designed to hook in members of the public and sway opinion in a certain direction.

No-one is better at the latter than Mr TV himself: Simon Cowell.

So it is with amusement that I read today about Cheryl Cole's alleged dismissal (and I say it's alleged because none of those highly paid publicists on either side of the Atlantic are spilling the beans) from Cowell's stateside X Factor project because of her "accent".

Intriguing on a number of levels.

There's nothing better than generating outrage (read: press coverage) amongst viewers for "unfair" treatment, real or otherwise.

Queue: international PR coverage, viewers rallying around Cheryl and (mark my word) her impending return to the show a few weeks down the line because Simon will (probably) feel things are not working with poor Nicola Scherzinger (who luckily has the presenting job to fall back on).

Cynical? Yes.

True. Most probably.

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