Saturday 20 August 2011

Don't Say you Can if you Can't

My husband recently ordered a room divider for his new office. The website said it would be delivered within 2 weeks.

Almost 6 weeks down the line he is still waiting.

In a fit of growing irritation he's called the company daily for the last 8 days. Various excuses have ensued: the factory is closed for two weeks, it's waiting to be despatched, it'll be with you tomorrow, it'll be with you next week, we're not sure where we are with that order.

That company is now in big trouble:
We could go to town and ensure they are delivered several strong slaps on the wrist for their incompetence. But it's a bit like scolding a stupid child for being, well, stupid.

You can't legislate for intelligence in business. So let's try to keep it really simple:

Don't say you can do it, if you really, really can't.

1 comment:

  1. That last statement is so true Tricia.
    I learned the hard way in business. I genuinely want to please my clients and in the old days I used to pretty much agree to any request..... then flog myself to death trying to deliver. Inevitably sometimes, despite my very best efforts, I fell short. All this does is upset the client AND me.
    I now aim to consistently exceed my clients expectations. Promise 8, deliver 10.

    This approach is so much more satisfying for the client AND me.

    Keep up the good work, I always look forward to your little words of wisdom.
