Saturday, 4 June 2011

The PR Circus Continues

Like the rest of the world, I've been following the Cheryl Cole/US X Factor media circus with a degree of feigned interest and curiosity for the last couple of weeks.

On 25th May, I wrote (predicted) that Chezza would be back in the job in no time, having generated significant press coverage for the show on both sides of the Atlantic.

So, nine days later, it comes as no surprise to me that the twist in the proverbial tale is that Chezza is getting to keep her £1.2million fee for four days work, as long as she doesn't blab about how badly she was treated.

Note to bosses: that cat's already out of the bag.

Intriguingly Cheryl has been uncharacteristically quiet for a woman scorned. Very uncharacteristically quiet.

As a byline in another story, she has taken time out from her stretch of unemployment to apply for a permanent US Visa.

Wonder what she'll need that for? Will my prediction turn out to be correct?

Simon's not daft. Neither is his publicist Max Clifford. They both know these shows live or die on the amount of controversy they create. And so the PR circus continues, but I'm fairly certain it's Messrs Clifford and Cowell who are pulling the strings on this one.

I await the headline: Welcome Back Chezza

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